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The AutoFiber ATMS marking machine is an automated device equipped with a reliable fiber laser. Available in many variants of power and working field, which allows for very good and practically any configuration of the target order (more information at the email address: ). Used in processes related to marking and identification of products, details or machine parts, and wherever durable, resistant to abrasion and chemical substances marking and difficult to counterfeit signs are required. In addition, the use of the automatic focusing function allows the operator to manually enter data and adjust the beam for each of the machined surfaces. The only thing to do after placing the material on the table is to press the appropriate button on the remote connected to the marking machine, or select such option in the software. The head response time in automatic mode is max. 0.7 ms !


In fiber optic markers, the active element is an optical fiber with admixtures of rare element ions such as erbium, ytterbium, neodymium and pumped with semiconductor laser diodes. Unlike traditional lasers, the laser beam is not transferred to the head by means of an optical lens and mirror system but by means of a flexible optical fiber. By omitting the mirrors, when transmitting the beam, the risk of poor adjustment and pollution was excluded, resulting in reduced labor costs and higher engraving efficiency . In addition, the efficiency of opto-electrical conversion of the AutoFiber model increases to 30%. The fiber laser light is characterized by: high brightness, high directivity, high consistency. Such parameters allow permanent marking of a wide range of materials with very high resolution.


Technical specifications:

  • Average power: 20 W
  • Working space: 100x100 [mm] or larger, tailored to customer needs
  • Laser beam length: 1064 nm
  • Service life of the laser source: > 100,000 hours
  • Pulse frequency: 1 ÷ 400 [kHz]
  • Marking speed: approx. 7000 mm / s
  • Marking depth: <0.3 mm
  • Line width: 0.01 mm
  • Minimum character size: 0.5 mm
  • Marking accuracy: 0.01 mm
  • Positioning accuracy: 0.002 mm
  • Repeatability: <20 ?rad
  • Max. System power consumption: <500 W
  • Power supply: 220 V, 50 ÷ 60 [Hz]
  • Operating temperature range: 10 ÷ 30 [° C]
  • Working humidity: 20-80 [%]



  • AutoFiber marking machine
  • Control software: EzCad in Polish
  • USB port
  • Remote control with functions:



- automatic focusing

- return to the starting position

  • Cooling: by air
  • Cable: 3m


Optional equipment:

  • Additional rotary axis with controller
  • Additional XY work table
  • Stationary variant with a table, and others on request
  • Power: 30/50/60/70/100/120 [W]
  • Working field: 50x50 / 70x70 / 110x110 / 175x175 / 200x200 / 250x250 / 300x300 [mm]
  • Protective glasses for Fiber markers
  • Wide frequency range: 1 ÷ 1000 [kHz]
  • Built-in camera (allowing processing preview)
  • Automatically raised door with pre-opening lock
  • Housing
  • Vapor extraction
  • BOFA filter system




The fiber laser marking machine is covered by a one-year warranty or for an additional 10% of the value of 2 years.


It is possible to insure the machine on preferential terms at PZU. Details from our Sales Specialists.


# 888888; "> In addition, ATMS offers training in the operation of the machine and its software.


  • Average power: 20 W
  • .
  • Working space: 100x100 [mm] or larger to suit the customer's needs
  • .
  • Laser beam length: 1064 nm
  • Laser source lifetime: >100,000 hrs
  • Pulse frequency: 1÷400 [kHz]
  • Marking speed: ok. 7000 mm/s
  • Marking depth: <0.3mm
  • Line width: 0.01 mm
  • Minimum character size: 0.5 mm 
  • Marking accuracy: 0.01 mm
  • Repeatability: <20 µrad
  • Max power consumption of system: <500 W
  • Power supply: 230 V, 50÷60 [Hz]
  • Operating temperature range: 10÷30 [°C]
  • Operating humidity: 20-80 [%]

ATMSolutions - reputable supplier of CNC machines


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